Now its time to attach the four walls to the floor. If you skipped ahead to step 11 to paint the walls then you have already moved them off the floor and onto the ground.
If your side walls are still laying on the floor, then move them about a foot from the back edge so you’ll have sufficient room to work.

Set the back gable end wall vertical on the edge of the floor and center it from side to side.
When it’s in the correct position attach it to the floor by nailing through the siding and into the floor frame about two inches above the bottom edge of the siding with 8d galvanized nails every 8 inches.
Cheating when necessary…
If a wall doesn’t line up with the floor then put a car jack under the floor and raise it up to fit the wall. Nail that part of the wall in place then move the jack.
Do this at any place where the floor doesn’t meet the wall.
Remember this cheat when you apply the roof sheeting. Put a jack under a corner and raise it up till the roof sheeting comes in line with the truss. Then nail that piece down. Do the same with the rest of the pieces. Experiment with jacking different corners or walls until you get the results you want.
After the roof is sheeted then go around and re level the floor.
If your shed is slightly out of square at the end of all of this, don’t worry as it will not be enough to notice. This is the real world way to make all the pieces fit together.
In my shed building business I have special pulling straps and jacks for this purpose because sheds never come together perfectly without a little “assistance”. But any old car jack will do.

Put a 16d nail in the center of the back of the wall and add a temporary 2×4 brace to the ground if necessary.

Stand the first sidewall and slid it firmly into the bottom plate of the end wall.
Make sure the corner studs are tight together from top to bottom and nail through the sidewall siding into the end wall corner stud from top to the bottom.
Then nail across the floor about 2 inches from the bottom edge of the siding.

Raise the other sidewall and nail the corner joint and across the bottom of the siding into the floor frame.

Move the last gable end wall into place and nail up and down the corners then nail across the bottom.
Which ever wall contains the door, don’t nail across the bottom of the door because that will be nailing it shut.
Remove the carrying handles.
Now it’s starting to look like a shed…