Cut 4 studs and a top and bottom plate as per the bike shed plans. Notice that the 4 studs are cut at an angle on the top end.
Lay out and mark the top and bottom plates and drill your pilot holes.

This is just the opposite of the front wall. Attach the studs to the bottom plate with 3 inch screws.

This allow the sheeting to lay flat. You night have to lay a 2×4 spacer under the top of the studs to provide some working clearance under the top plate.

Nail along the top plate with 2 inch galvanized nails every 8 inches. Square the underlying frame to the siding by measuring the overhang at the top and bottom of the stud on one side. When this measurement is equal on the top and bottom then it’s square and you can nail it down in both lower corners.
Snap a chalk line along the studs and plates and nail every 8 inches.