Build A 10×12 Tall Barn Style Shed In 10 Steps
This shed is being built in the shop and we will be moving it when it’s finished. So we are using 2 pressure treated 4×4 skids on concrete blocks for simplicity.
But for more strength you could use 5 skids in total. One in the middle and one more at each side. I recommend putting concrete blocks under the skids every 4 ft for maximum strength.
You could also use sandwiched 2×6’s for even more floor strength. Spacing isn’t critical. Just space them evenly.
Only do a rough placement and level of the skids at this point. The skids will be bumped around a lot during floor construction so we will do a final level in the next step when the floor frame is finished and squared.
Next step:
Links to additional foundation information
- Video: Simple skid foundation – common to all 4 shed plans
- This post details other foundation options
- Why you might need to tie your shed down
- Cheap home made shed tiedowns
- Frost heave and your shed foundation