Installing shingles on the roof of your shed might seem complicated but it’s easy if you take it one step at a time.
Use 3/4 inch long galvanized roofing nails for all the roof work.
Eave drip edge
Felt paper
Gable end drip edge
Starter row
The glue strip on this starter row will hold the tabs of the next row of shingles in place.
Alternate rows with half tab removed
Begin the starter row with a full shingle, then cut half a tab off every other row of shingles.
This way every joints where the shingles come together will be covered by a full tab above it.
Shingle spacing
Put 4 roofing nails in each shingle about 5/8 inch above the tab cutout but below of the glue line.
Stack some supplies
Start the shingles from the front of the shed and work to the back because the starting edge will be neater and less ragged than the edge you cut to fit.
Work from the same end on both rows. This way you can use the cut offs from one side to finish the row on the other side.
Cutting surface
Use the cutoffs from the other side of the shed if they are long enough.
Keeping your rows straight
Don’t wait till you get all the way to the top to find that your rows are uneven. If you can’t do it by eye then snap a chalk line.
You can also use the lines on the felt paper if you installed it square. But most likely you will need to snap a chalk line.
Cut ridge cap
The back edge of each tab tapers in so that it will fit neatly under the tab on top of it.